Automating Your Automation – An MLOps Perspective to Media Monitoring

A major shift in media monitoring industry was automation. With content being generated every second, there was an imminent need for tools that monitor and detect mentions in real-time. Automation enabled companies to maintain a vigilant watch on public sentiment and market dynamics. The advent of artificial intelligence further amplified the significance of automation. But here is the catch. While automation offers significant advantages, the question of how to effectively handle vast volumes of data from diverse sources remains largely unanswered.

Enter MLOps, a combination of Machine Learning and Operations, which is fast emerging as a fresh approach that in combination with automation provides more efficient, accurate, and insightful results.

 How Automation helped in Media Monitoring

 Automation in media monitoring initially involved the use of rule-based systems to identify keywords and phrases. These systems could quickly filter through vast amounts of data and flag relevant content. While effective to some extent, they had limitations in terms of adaptability and the ability to handle nuanced language and context.

In response to these constraints, machine learning algorithms were introduced. These algorithms could undergo training to identify patterns, sentiment, and context, rendering them considerably more flexible and precise in comparison to rule-based systems.

Recognizing the need for more sophisticated and adaptable solutions, Enterprise LLMs, powered by advanced natural language processing and understanding, emerged as a game changer. These large language models are equipped to handle the complexities of language and context in media monitoring including Enhanced Language Understanding, Contextual Analysis, Auto-Summarization, Sentiment Analysis with reasoning, Confidential Computing ensuring copyright of the content, and real-time analysis with unbiased view. Incorporating Enterprise LLMs into media monitoring addresses the limitations of rule-based systems, significantly improving adaptability, precision, and efficiency in extracting valuable insights from media data.

Further Deep Tech Applied Research involves the development and application of cutting-edge technologies, such as advanced machine learning and artificial intelligence, to solve real-world problems. It leads to more sophisticated algorithms and models that can handle the complexities of language and context in media content, ultimately providing organizations with more accurate and actionable insights from their media monitoring efforts.

However, this introduced a new challenge: managing the machine learning models and the data they relied on.

Introducing MLOps

MLOps, short for Machine Learning Operations, is an approach that applies DevOps principles to machine learning workflows. It aims to streamline and automate the entire machine learning lifecycle, from model development and training to deployment and monitoring. In the context of media monitoring, MLOps can be a game changer.

Here are four aspects where MLOps can enhance results for media monitoring organizations:

  1. Data Management

MLOps emphasizes proper data versioning and management. For media monitoring, this means ensuring that the data sources are well-curated and continuously updated. It also involves maintaining a historical record of data for training and evaluation.

  1. Model Training

Machine learning models are at the heart of automated media monitoring. MLOps practices facilitate iterative model development and training, leading to continual improvement in accuracy and adaptability.

  1. Deployment

Deploying models for real-time media monitoring requires careful orchestration. MLOps ensures seamless deployment, scaling, and monitoring of these models, ensuring they provide up-to-date insights.

  1. Monitoring and Feedback Loops

Media monitoring is dynamic; trends change, and new topics emerge. MLOps enables the creation of feedback loops that continuously evaluate model performance and adapt it to evolving media landscapes.

Benefits of Automating Your Automation

Embracing MLOps in media monitoring offers several advantages:

  • Scalability: As media data volumes increase, MLOps can easily scale your monitoring capabilities without a proportional increase in human effort.
  • Accuracy: Machine learning models, when properly trained and monitored, can provide more accurate results than traditional rule-based
  • Adaptability: MLOps allows for rapid adaptation to changing media landscapes, ensuring that your monitoring remains relevant and effective.
  • Efficiency: By automating repetitive tasks and optimizing workflows, MLOps reduces the manual effort in media monitoring.
  • Actionable Insights: With accurate and timely monitoring, your organization can make data-driven decisions more effectively, giving you a competitive edge.


In the constantly evolving realm of media, keeping abreast of the most recent trends and sentiments is imperative. Media monitoring procedures have evolved significantly, transitioning from manual techniques to rule-based systems and, presently, to automation empowered by Enterprise LLMs, Deep Tech Applied Research, and MLOps. This dynamic methodology not only streamlines your monitoring processes but also augments precision, flexibility, and efficiency.

As you consider the future of your media monitoring strategy, think beyond traditional methods. Embrace the power of MLOps to automate your automation, and watch your media monitoring efforts deliver more insightful and actionable results than ever before.

PR SaaS: Revolutionizing Public Relations in the Digital Era

Explore the impact of PR SaaS on modern public relations, from the evolution of communication channels to the critical role of technology in PR. Discover how Ninestars is leading the way in shaping the future of PR with innovative solutions.

In the dynamic realm of public relations (PR), the transformative power of Public Relations Software as a Service (PR SaaS) is reshaping the very foundations of the industry. This revolution represents a shift from traditional PR practices to a technologically advanced approach that aligns seamlessly with the digital age.

Old PR vs. New PR: The Evolution of Communication

The traditional PR landscape relied predominantly on established media outlets such as newspapers, television, and radio to disseminate messages to a mass audience. While these mediums had their merits, they often lacked real-time feedback and the ability to target specific audience effectively. In contrast, modern PR thrives in a digital ecosystem where instantaneous communication is the norm. Social media platforms, content-rich websites, email marketing, podcasts, and webinars have become powerful tools for engaging audiences in real-time. PR professionals now have the ability to craft tailored messages and monitor their impact in ways that were unimaginable just a few decades ago.

The Expanding Media Mix: Then and Now

The media mix of yesteryears was characterized by a handful of traditional channels. Today, PR professionals navigate an intricate web of digital channels, each with its unique characteristics and audience behaviours. It is no surprise that PR teams today work closely with social media, content marketing, and advertising teams.

Social media platforms, including Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, and LinkedIn, allow brands to engage with consumers directly and build communities around their products or services.

Email marketing has evolved from simple newsletters to personalized, automated campaigns that nurture leads and drive conversions. Company websites serve as central hubs for disseminating information, while blogs and content marketing establish thought leadership and provide value to audiences. Multimedia content in the form of videos, podcasts, and webinars enables brands to convey complex messages in engaging formats.

The Critical Role of Technology in PR

The indispensable role of technology in PR cannot be overstated. According to the 2022 membership survey by AMEC (International Association for Measurement and Evaluation of Communication), a resounding 67% of respondents agree that embracing new technology is imperative for their business/organization to not just survive but thrive in today’s fast-paced environment.

Developments such as AI-driven chatbots, exemplified by innovations like ChatGPT, underscore the critical importance for PR professionals to remain abreast of technological advancements. These cutting-edge tools empower PR practitioners to engage with audiences in real-time, providing immediate responses and valuable insights. As technology continues to reshape the PR landscape, embracing these innovations becomes essential for effective communication and maintaining a competitive edge.

Understanding PR SaaS: A Catalyst for Change

At the forefront of this technological evolution stands PR SaaS, a suite of cloud-based software solutions designed for PR professionals. PR SaaS platforms encompass a wide range of functionalities, from media monitoring and analytics to influencer identification and crisis management.

These platforms empower PR teams to streamline their workflow, gain real-time insights into media coverage, and identify emerging trends within their industry. They offer automation capabilities for tasks such as media list building, press release distribution, and social media monitoring. PR SaaS acts as a force multiplier, allowing PR teams to accomplish more with greater efficiency.

Why PR SaaS Matters

The adoption of PR SaaS is paramount in the modern PR landscape for several reasons:

Efficiency: PR SaaS automates routine tasks, freeing up PR professionals to focus on strategic thinking and relationship building.

Data-Driven Insights: These platforms provide data-driven insights that guide PR strategies and help measure the impact of campaigns.

Crisis Management: PR SaaS equips organizations with tools to effectively manage and respond to crises in real-time, safeguarding brand reputation.

Media Monitoring: It enables comprehensive media monitoring across traditional and digital channels, ensuring all relevant content is captured.

Competitive Advantage: Organizations that embrace PR SaaS gain a competitive edge by staying agile and responsive in the dynamic media landscape.

The Promise of PR SaaS

In essence, PR SaaS is the future of PR. It represents the integration of technology into every facet of public relations, from media monitoring and influencer engagement to data-driven decision-making. As technology continues its rapid advancement, PR SaaS is evolving alongside, ensuring that PR teams maintain their competitive edge.

At Ninestars, we are working with brands that are aligned to the tech-driven transformation of PR. We are helping global teams to leverage our SaaS offering to create results high on efficiency and effectiveness. Interested in discovering how Ninestars is shaping the future of PR? Get in touch with us today to schedule a demo of our suite of PR SaaS solutions and unlock new possibilities for your PR initiatives.